When Your Breasts Try to Kill You
BOOBS Rebecca Johnson BOOBS Rebecca Johnson

When Your Breasts Try to Kill You

A few years ago, a man in Australia came across a round rubbery object on the beach about the size of a small tortilla. In a panic, he scooped it up into a plastic bag and hurried to the local police station, convinced a woman had been mutilated by a maniac who had prised her breast implant out of her body. The police had a good laugh when they saw the object. It was a jelly fish. That’s what I have implanted on the right side of my body—a silicon disc that’s a dead ringer for a jelly fish.

I discovered I had breast cancer the way a lot of women do—a routine mammogram revealed abnormal cell growth in the right breast. One out of every eight women in America will develop breast cancer at one point in their lives, but for some reason, when the nurse came back to the waiting room to call “Ms. Johnson” back for a consultation, I just assumed it was someone else. In my defense, Johnson is a common name.

The radiologist described the suspicious mass as pea-sized and recommended a biopsy. I asked if I could see it. She turned the computer screen my way and there it was, a distinct circle suspended in a ghostly web of white , like the egg sac in a spider web. “Is it cancer?” I asked. The doctor turned the screen back to herself. I have noticed this about doctors—none of them wants to be the bearer of bad news. If they can pass the buck, they will and, really, who can blame them? What kind of life is it, telling people they’re going to die sooner than they think? “We’ll need to do more testing,” she answered impassively.

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Siren Tits
BOOBS Bex O'Brian BOOBS Bex O'Brian

Siren Tits

Smallish in size, good nipple to breast ratio, nothing inverted, no hairs sprouting, no need for a bra. Siren tits. My calling card.

I didn’t have children, so they were never anything but my tits. I put them to good use. If I had set my sights on some boy but wasn’t getting enough attention, flashing my tits usually sealed the deal.

I remember the first time I saw a real flasher, a man behind a tree exposing himself. Too bad you don’t have tits, I thought, you might have better luck.

Friday nights and time to go clubbing; besides the choking hair spray and the smoky eye make-up, the final touch before entering the throbbing dance floor was to give my nipples a hard squeeze, putting them on high beam.

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BOOBS Abigail Thomas BOOBS Abigail Thomas


Curled up on the loveseat on a cold March day, 79 years old, I am wearing an undershirt, a long sleeved shirt, two sweaters, my purple jacket, warm pajama bottoms, my new cozy socks, and on top of everything, a blanket. I’m also standing on the median at Broadway and 112th, waiting for the light to change. It’s summer of 1978, and a middle aged woman has just spoken to me in a low voice, saying. ”You don’t have a stitch on underneath that dress, do you.”

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“Be Nice”
BOOBS Eve Marx BOOBS Eve Marx

“Be Nice”

Just to get this part out of the way, I have big boobs. I’ve always had big boobs, ever since puberty. Sadly for me, they’ve only gotten bigger over the years. I can’t say this is something I’m happy about, but I also feel that, short of surgery or, God forbid, cancer, there’s not a lot I can do about it. I’ve wasted a lot of time wishing or pretending my boobs were smaller, foolishly cramming them into clothes that don’t fit, but that’s all water under the bridge now. I accept my cups runneth over. Maybe in my next life I’ll come back a B cup or even an A cup. A girl can dream.

At some point in my early twenties when my big tits stood up by themselves, I applied for and got a job as a brassiere model in New York with a well-known underwear wholesaler. I was just out of grad school and half-heartedly looking for real work. I had a freelance gig as an assistant to a woman in the West Village working on a book about incest, but I needed more billable hours than she could provide. I saw the job listing for underwear model in the back pages of The Village Voice. I called the number and got an interview that day with a guy named Manny who wore a nice suit and had a lot of gelled hair. He asked me a few questions about myself before asking me to stand up and take off my blouse. I stood there in my bra for what seemed ages while he ogled my breasts. Next, he asked me to take off my skirt so he could check my ass.

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The Deep End
BOOBS Nina Lichtenstein BOOBS Nina Lichtenstein

The Deep End

If my breasts had not been involved with such a splash when they hit the surface, I might not remember so clearly that day when I jumped from the thirty-foot diving tower. Despite the delightful sounds of my sons’ joy and giddiness cheering and whistling me on in cahoots with my best friend Anne, it’s my breasts that have played the role of Proust’s madeleine. I remember it all so clearly because of them.

I am standing on the platform of the diving board ten meters up in the air at the outdoor public pool in Oslo, Norway, my childhood city. Not a cloud in the sky—a bright, blue expanse above the happy sounds of children and adults as they swim laps, frolic, and slide below. There are five pools in this water park which was a huge, fond part of my childhood and teen years. Adrenaline fizzes in my limbs and my heart thumps in my ears as I squirm toward the edge. Lined along the stone border of the round, deep pool, way down there, my three middle-school-aged sons cheer me on. The lifeguard, a tanned, blond, young woman in white shorts and tee-shirt with a red cross on its back, gives jumpers the signal by pressing a megaphone to her lips and calling out, “Stand back on the five and seven, go ahead on ten!” That’s me, the “ten.”

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My Beautiful Boobs
BOOBS Gerry Van Der Linden BOOBS Gerry Van Der Linden

My Beautiful Boobs

My Beautiful Boobs

busy boobs business boobs blushing boobs

blaming boobs blooming boobs boosting boobs

booked boobs bashing boobs bubbling boobs

brushing boobs blocked boobs bowling boobs

boasty boobs bonding boobs baby boobs

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On Being a Mammal
BOOBS Deborah Williams BOOBS Deborah Williams

On Being a Mammal

In the final days of the 2000 Presidential election, I was sent to bed. I was six months pregnant with my first child and had been told by my midwife that the baby wasn’t growing as it should, an observation borne out by the ultrasound doctor who squirted blue goo over my demurely pregnant belly, peered at the blurred images on the screen and said, “basically, you have a crappy placenta.”

Crappy placentas meant bed rest and an astonishingly low-tech piece of advice: stay on my left side as much as possible, to make it easier for my heart to pump blood around my body.

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Thanks for the Mammaries:                          How Women Really Feel About Their Breasts
BOOBS Cleopatra's Nose BOOBS Cleopatra's Nose

Thanks for the Mammaries: How Women Really Feel About Their Breasts

I would literally cut them off if I could. As a large-breasted adopted person with NO documented medical history, they have caused me nothing but anxiety. I’m scared to death of them. — Ryan

I love them! In my ‘20s, I felt like they were one of my best features. Now they’re lower and a bit battle-worn, but I still love them. Some of this may be that my husband of 20 years is still obsessed with them, so I don’t mind that they’re droopier. I remember helping my great grandmother change her clothes when I was about 8 and being freaked out by her breasts; they were very flat and pointy, like two slices of pizza. Now I realize that, at age 92, she probably couldn’t have cared less.

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